Oct 2, 2010

(roda kehidupan) Rolling So Fast

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hallo dear! So long didn’t post a word. ^^

Oke, baru kali ini ada niat nulis, atau tepatnya bisa dibilang ada kesempatan nulis. Well, mungkin emang sayanya yang emang (sok)sibuk atau gimana kurang tahu juga deh.

Oya, this morning I attended The National Science Seminar at Hasanuddin University w/ kak Nunu, kak Surya and kak Darwin. It was about Bedah Buku of Ayat-Ayat Semesta by Agus Purwanto, D.Sc. I was sooo excited at the beginning. But, tell the truth I over slept at couple times. Haha! What a shame. The seminar started at quarter to ten. Luckily I wasn’t late. I sit separated with them because the seats in front were full. So, bravely I decided to sit behind them. I met a medical student there, next to my seat. She’s kak Musda. She’s senior, Medical Faculty 2007. We talked a lot. She’s kinda cute, sociable and funny for a medical student.

Left Hasanuddin University, we are four starving. But we didn’t see any café so we took pete-pete to somewhere (we don’t know) where we could get a good food for lunch. Unfortunately, kak Darwin couldn’t come with us to find café for lunch, he had to go to Maros. I don’t know why, well, I’m nobody. So only three of us left. Teenagers who’ll survive for living no matter what. We’re in pete-pete E1/07, means we would stop at jalan Petterani. Gotcha! There are so many cafés at the roadside.

I had such a good time with them- kak Uya, kak Nunu (and also kak Darwin, even he didn’t join with us for lunch). We’re hang out just like friends. Kak Uya treated us Mie Pangsit at Bakso Juta Rasa in front Telkom (yeahh, I’m a gretong-hunter beybe). Actually I wanted to eat Batagor and Es Kelapa, but it was a treat so I just appreciated what’ve been served. Then, we- kak Nunu and I- went home. At pete-pete again, we met a very cute and chubby girl. Her name is Ifa. Ow My Gosh! Sooo cuutee! I wanna eattt herrr!! But I worried with her father sit next to her.

Nah! I wonder about my phone something wrong with signal perhaps so all the message I just received 30 minutes later. One of them was from kakak. He asked me and directly, I have a bad feeling about his question. I hate this situation. Feels like I am sooo wrong, sooo guilty and I am the one who just so wrong to talked to. And my feeling was right. It was a problem and I am on that problem. Rrrwwrrrr….

And now, my Saturday Night was soooo annoying. Awalnya gw lagi ga mood waktu nulis postingan kali ini. Gue lagi marah sama adek gue, ayah, ibu. Gue ga suka ada kepilihkasihan didalam keluarga ini. Tapi, setelah beberapa kali ayah bolak-balik masuk ke kamarnya nanyain gw kenapa manyun mulu (meski udah gue usahain supaya ga keliatan manyun) dan ga ada tanggapan positif dari gw, jadilah ayah gw ngajak gw ngomong dan bersedia ruang kerjanya gw pake,,,,, sebentar. Hoaah, betapa roda kehidupanku cepat banget berputar..

And here I am with Marmut Merah Jambut (I borrowed it from kak Munir) at my daddy’s room. I just know that Marmut Merah Jambu is about love! Well, actually I should know this since I started read it. Haha!

And after I read it, well-uhm, I can say that proses pacaran itu, terserah mau namanya PDKT, penjajakan, perkenalan dan lain-lain lah adalah sebuah proses pergerakan. Yang kita sangka bergerak maju, namun ternyata hanya berlari di tempat. Janji kita bakalan kayak gini terus seperti yang sering di kumandangkan dengan romantisnya sebenernya sangat sulit untuk untuk ditepati (meski setelah kita denger itu dari pacar kita, kita bakal ngerasa udah ga nyentuh tanah, melayang, soo sweet..). Yeaah, who knows what will happen tomorrow? Putus, nyambung lagi, putus, nyari yang laen, mencoba berlari dan berlari dalam roda berputar yang bernama cinta, seolah maju, tapi nggak. Ngga tau juga kapan mesti berhenti berlari di roda yang berputar itu. Namun, ketika bertemu dengan seseorang yang diyakini akan setia seiya sekata seperti burung lovebirds dan pasangannya, then you’ll say: apakah sekarang saatnya untuk berhenti?


Bahasan terakhir dari postingan gue kali ini agak mellow dramatic romantic alaytic gimana gitu yah..

But, being honest gue sebenernya jaraaaanggg banget bahas soal cinta-cintaan, pacar-pacaran, dan pokok bahasan yang seperti itu. Alasannya: GUE PERNAH GAGAL dalam relationship yang seperti itu dan gue ngerasa amat berdosa pernah berada dalam relationship seperti itu. Tragis gue!

Yeaah, we’ll see lah kalo gue lagi mood buat nge post yang berbau PINK seperti itu berarti gw lagi terinspirasi aja or I REALLY IN THE PINK and INFECTED PINK VIRUS.


For the people, they see me as a clown, but for you I show you the human.


At my daddy’s room