Sep 14, 2010

H+4 dan teleponnya.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Hell-o darl! Wazzup! I just arrived at home after I visited Lisa’s, Rifka’s and Hilda’s house. Exhausted! But I still have my dinner: Fried Meatballs. Yummy! And it’s re-charge my energy and my mood. Tonight I prefer post something in Indonesian to in English because I begin to love Indonesian Literature. I’m reading an Indonesian novel right now and it’s really influence me. ^^

Mozaik 21-Mimpi. Aku sedang menekuni buku yang dipinjamkan Dian kepadaku, Padang Bulan karya Andrea Hirata. Novel pertama dari dwilogi Padang Bulan. Novel kedua judulnya Cinta Dalam Gelas. Komentar Dian, “sepertinya ini sambungan dari Maryamah Karpov.” Saya juga tak bisa memastikan, saya baru di Mozaik 21, tentang Mimpi. Nantilah setelah habis kulalap dua novel ini baru aku akan berkomentar.

Kukutip sedikit dari mozaik ini, “kurasa, cemburu adalah salah satu perasaan yang paling aneh yang pernah diciptakan Tuhan untuk manusia.” Benarkah? Banyak hal yang tidak kumengerti dalam mozaik ini. Kalimat-kalimat tak dapat kucerna. Sulit.

Kuhentikan bacaanku. Ga konsen. He just called me. Curhat, itu tema pembicaraannya.

Seperti biasa, hanya dia yang curhat. Curhat tentang perasaannya. Kekecewaan terhadap kawan yang tak lagi sejati dan sehati.

Seperti biasa, saya hanya mendengar. Hhe, sudah biasa.

Ga tau, apa yang bikin saya jadi ga konsen. Masih terbayang percakapan via telpon dan sms tadi. Rada me-flashback ke masa-masa terrapuhku.

"Ga semudah itu saya lupa de'.." Kalimat itulah mengganjal kata-kata dari buku yang kubaca yang baru akan masuk ke otakku. Semuanya terhambur.. Kabur.

Kututup buku. Lalu beranjak ke lantai 2, melihat langit. Bintangnya jarang. Nyamuknya segudang. Menenangkan hati, merenung.

Sesuatu-yang tak kutahu apa itu-membayangi hatiku..

Percuma jika kuharus mengingat lukaku dan segala hal yang pernah membuatku sakit dan menangis. Apa untungnya buatku? Hanya menambah dosaku karena tak betul-betul ikhlas memaafkanmu.

Aku percaya, maafmu tulus. Ikhlas. Setulus aku meminta maaf dan seikhlas aku memaafkanmu.

Aku mengingatmu sebaik kuingat masa terburukku. Jelas, sangat jelas. Aku tak ingin melukai luka siapapun. Maka dari itu, tak perlu memperjelas hari-hari yang kulalui di masa terpurukku itu. Seperti kembali menggoreskan pisau di atas lukaku. Hal yang dulu ku sebut janji, tak ingin ku ungkit.. Kembali hanya akan kutangisi..

Setahun lebih dari tenggat penepatan janji telah lewat. Apa yang bisa kuharapkan dari waktu yang telah berlalu?

Dirimu yang sekarang, seperti itulah.

Signed out w/ love, yunn

Good nite universe :*

Bismikaallahummaahya wabismika amuut..

Sep 6, 2010


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Morning Dear :). It’s 6th of September 2010, we’re just counting down the day to Ied Al-Fitr on Sept 9th (coincide w/ my MomDad Anniversary. ^^). And I haven’t prepare anything to celebrating! Poor me, hikhik ;( My mom hasn’t made any cookies and I threatened won’t get any new dress! (supersad!).

Anyway, I’d love to congrats to my beloved sister, Lala who just turn 14th on Sept 5th. Happy Birthday, dear! God Bless You Always J. And also my sister, Dian who just arrived home yesterday evening from Malang. Welcome Home, ciinnn.. :* Because it was a (quite) big day for my family, our menu for breakfast kinda super delicious! Yummy :d. but poor me (again!), I couldn’t join w/ my family.

Linda, has booked my schedule since days ago to reunion w/ my Elementary School’s friends. We agreed to meet at Linda’s house, and then we moved to Mall Ratu Indah for breakfasting together. We’re only 12. Me, Linda, Rifka, Sarah, Irin, Lisa, Unca, Rahmat, Bayu, Tesar, Jauri and Hamdan. But, it was so fun! And I was sooo excited! After 7 years finally we met.

No big things change from them. Just the age and shape of their body (also me), hihi. Bigger, taller, older and prettier! :D

Here are some picts of us (I got it from Lisa)

We talked about about our ‘new life’ in university and recalled our mind to the past when we was in SD IKIP. What a life! We laughed the past, wish time goes back.

Well, most of them are students in UNM, just like me but different program. Can’t believe it!

Rahmat Riwayat Abadi: The Long Haired Boy. My Classmate (maybe during six years) in Management-UNM. He’s totally change (shock!) and I couldn’t recognize him unless my friends introduced him. :D

Bayu Nusantara: My classmate (I only remember when we were in 3rd class. Our teacher was Bu Renamin. Remember it? Hehe). He’s in Bilingual Mathematic-UNM.

Tesar Dwi Cahyo: My neighbor and my classmate in 3rd – 4th class. He’s in Muslim Indonesia Univesity (UMI). We ever met before in warnet.

Jauri Putra Sulaiman: hehe, easy to recognize him coz he’s so similar when he was a kid. He’s in Psychology-UNM.

Hamdan (dunno his full name): haha! Sooo astonished to see him xD. He was in Mangkoso Islamic Boarding School for 7 years. So he just came to Makassar again. He’s in UIN for Arabic Education 2010.

Nurfauzah Utami Darwis: My classmate. We’ve met before in our campus. She’s in IT-UNM. She arranged this moment. Thanks, dear J

Nurfalimsa Piu: also my classmate. She’s change a lot! She’s in Management-Islam Indonesia University (UII) Yogyakarta. She took me home.

Sarah Priyanka Putri: my classmate, always together w/ Tesar Dwi Cahyo along the reunion (do they CLBK?? Hhee..). She’s in Medical, Visiotheraphy-UH 2010

Irin Kurnia and Nursaadah (well, Unca): really, they’re same as before! Voice, body, hehe xD. Sorry, dear. They’re in Politeknik-UH 2010

Rifka Azikin: My mate. (Remember our comics and our wish that we buried underground behind our school?) She’s in STKS, Bandung. Glad to see you, darl x)

That’s it! Actually Andi Koneng Pratiwi, Raestura Asmin, Antarini Ayuningdyah, Hari Dwi Darmawan, St. Maisaroh, and many more wanted join us, but dunno why they had so many reason to elusory.

Hey! I still remember their full name! haha XD

Jaury planned to hold a gathering again on Sept 12th. But I didn’t get his explanation. Yea, I’ll ask Lisa furthermore infos.

My Sunday Nite was sooooooo fun! And I was sooo excited to see ‘em all XD..

*Oya, so sad to hear that Funky Papua has leave IMB Show. Aihh, disappointed x( ! Keep fighting Funky Papuaa..

Signed Out w/ love, Yunn.

Cheerio… ^^.