Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh-
Written communication is just as important as verbal or non-verbal communication. You can’t take back what you say, but you also can’t take back what you write.
A written document can make you famous — so you need to make sure it’s for the right reason.
Written communication can change the course of history.
If you don’t believe that words are very powerful, think of the importance of documents such as the Bible, the Declaration of Independence or the Magna Carta. Written documents have literally shaped history.
Just imagine how much we have learned throughout history by reading the journals, letters and books written by previous generations.
You can also learn about the importance of written communication right at home. Just think about what you can discover by reading the private diary of your brother, sister or teenager’s private diary! I'm only kidding of course, please do not attempt this at home if you value your relationship with your family.
Written communication can preserve our memories of the special people in our life.
How many of us have spent hours reading all the carefully handwritten notes or love letters we have received over the years. Reminiscing about the wonderful romantic adventures we shared with a smile on our face…
Then again, may you decided to burn them all after a nasty breakup or divorce. Hopefully, you were able to enjoy them temporarily before the relationship went sour!
A parent may also find comfort in reading the memoirs of their parents or grandparents or reading stories written by their own children.
What parent doesn’t want to read their sweet daughter’s school project discussing how you refused to buy her a puppy and consequently ruined her entire life?
Oh the sweet memories of the written word…
Written communication can prevent misunderstandings.
Think back to all the times you had a conversation with someone and misunderstood what they were saying. This scenario has probably happened more than once or twice in your life…
Well, you need to remember the importance of written communication to help clarify your message. You can explain concepts or ideas in greater detail and give the recipient a visual representation of your intended message.
Written documents also give the reader time to process the information at his or her convenience. Just make sure not to over do it and write a 20 page thesis when a few lines will suffice!
This is one of the reasons that corporate companies usually keep copies of their business correspondences and sales letters, so that when a deal falls through they have something to go back to. That is why it is always important to proofread documents thoroughly.
Written communication can help you remember important details.
How many times have you been told to arrive at a certain time or place and subsequently forgotten the exact details?
Admit it – this has probably happened to every single person reading this at some point in their life! Writing something down helps us to remember the information much more effectively.
Take down notes or write out practice material when you are studying for your next exam. You will be able to retain the material more easily.
Also remember to write down your grocery list the next time your wife asks you to pick up a few items. Otherwise, we all know what will happen when you show up with your case of beer, bags of potato chips and pizza claiming you forgot what she told you!
I personally carry a pen and paper with me at all times as I never know when I am going to have my next great idea. similarly, you might be standing in a long line up or waiting in traffic when your next wave of inspiration hits you.
What if you come up with another great billion dollar idea like YouTube and you don’t have anything with you to write it down? You’ll have to stick with your regular 9 to 5 day job all for a lack of writing material…
Written communication can educate others and allow you to share your knowledge.
Written documents can educate other people by allowing them to share your wisdom and experience. You can learn about any subject imaginable by reading books, letters or essays or educate others by writing them.
Nowadays, the importance of written communication has become even more evident with the increased popularity of the internet. Online communication is a great way to educate others who live anywhere in the world.
You can write online articles, participate in online forums, write daily or weekly blogs or create websites filled with educational material.
Have you have ever wanted to learn how the pubs make green beer for St. Patrick’s Day?
Do you have a burning desire to know how they really do get the Cadbury filling into those delicious chocolate bars?
If so, you can find information online that will educate you. Just type some keywords into one of the many available search engines and voilĂ ! You’ll receive your answer within minutes or even seconds.
Well, maybe no one has discovered the Cadbury secret quite yet. But I’m sure some intelligent individual in the world will very soon…
The point is we can all learn from each other, and reading or writing is one of the best ways to do so.
Written communication is a great way to deal with negative feelings.
Have you ever felt depressed, angry or upset over an incident or person and felt better after writing about it?
This isn’t a coincidence as writing has proven to be a very cathartic experience. The next time you need to express your feelings, purchase a journal or diary and write to your heart’s content.
You may be very surprised at how much better you feel afterwards. You don’t need to worry about proper grammar or spelling since you will be the only one reading the document. Well, as long as you buy a diary with a very secure look on it…
You can release negative feelings in a constructive way by writing about them. This is a much more constructive method than driving over to your ex-boyfriend’s apartment and slashing his tires or emailing that incriminating photo of your friend and his boss to all of your colleagues.
Keeping your negative feelings bottled up inside can be very dangerous emotionally and physically so learn to let them out one word at a time!
As you can see, writing can be one of the best ways of communicating.
So what are you waiting for?
Pick up a pen and paper and let the power of the written word improve your life! :)