Apr 15, 2011

15 April 2011

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Hello pals :)

Haha, ga kreatip banget judulnya.. Tapi biarlahh.. Sangat mewakili.. he
School is school, pals, as usual. I did my presentation well this morning even many obstacles fulled my morning (tons of luckyness!) ha. Anyways, I intend to tell you about my mate next door. Maksudnya, temen ku di kelas sebelah, Education B 2009.

Her name is Anti. Hehe, we're just got closer lately. We had a chit-chat via facebook last night, succha friendly talks :)
I had a funny story before we met. I met her boyfriend a day before welcoming party for the freshmen 2009. I met him at warnet, i wanted to print out my essay for the inauguration of my class and so did he. He asked my name then, bla bla bla and told me his girlfriend's name which is Anti was going to welcoming party tomorrow. He wanted me to met her at the welcoming party. When I finally met her, I felt totally de javu! Sempit banget ni Bumi. haha!

he he (going weird) o.O"

Anyways, I remember what she said last night to me: SEMANGKAAAAA!!!
I love that word :) I repeated it along my way to go campus and returned back from campus.
SEMANGKA means SEMANGat KAwaaaaaannnn.....!!!!


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